Essential equipment when using electronarcosis devices or any other machine...
Essential equipment when using electronarcosis devices or any other machine...
Electronarcosis system for all types of poultry, compliant with Directive...
Electronarcosis system for all types of poultry, compliant with Directive...
Complete brass jaws for VE Memory poultry stunner. V-shaped electrodes allow...
Electrical insulating mat protecting the operator from electrical socks up to...
Electrical insulating gloves offering personal protection against electrical...
Stunner specifically designed to stun rabbits before bleeding. Can also be...
The ATM-002 rabbit stunner complies with the European regulation No 1099/2009...
Floor standing poultry stunner to stun any type of poultry.Poultry stunner...
Poultry stunner for all types of poultry (lean or fat poultry and rabbits)....
Using a stunner is mandatory when slaughtering poultry. Birds must be stunned before bleeding in order to respect animal welfare. We offer a wide range of poultry stunners, for any type of poultry. We can provide wall-mounted or floor standing units, with jaws, copper bars etc. Small processing units, with small capacities, can opt for a basic wall-mounted stunner, while bigger slaughterhouses can opt for stunners fitted with an electrical box displaying voltage and current and allowing data recording. We can also provide stunners specially created for rabbits or one specifically designed for quails and pigeons. If you can’t find the specific stunner you are looking for on our website, don’t hesitate to contact us.