Essential equipment when using electronarcosis devices or any other machine with a maximum AC voltage of 500V (maximum DC voltage of 750V).

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Pair of natural latex insulating gloves, lightly powdered for easy fitting.

These ergonomic gloves fit snugly around the fingers, enabling the operator to maintain optimum dexterity when using electronarcosis equipment or any other electrical device with a maximum AC voltage of 500V (maximum DC voltage of 750V).

Categorised AZC for resistance to acid, ozone and low temperatures, this pair of gloves is suitable for use from -40 to +55°C.

These gloves are intended for electrical use and are classified as PPE category 3, protection against lethal risks. They should not be used unless electrical testing has been carried out within the last 12 months. There is no expiry date, as long as the periodic inspection is carried out. The date of the inspection (or of the next inspection of the gloves) can be written on the glove.

Check the gloves visually before and after every use. For increased safety and efficiency, we recommend that you also use an insulating mat (sold separately). If required, we can also supply other models of insulating gloves providing protection up to 36,000V (on request).

Applicable standards:

  • EN 60903:2003 (European standard for high voltage operation - gloves of insulating material)
  • IEC 60903:2014 (International standard for high voltage operation - electrically insulating gloves)
  • IEC 60417-5216 (Double triangle marking on protective equipment suitable for high voltage)

Advice on use and storage:

  • For mechanical risks (cuts, punctures, etc.), use leather overgloves (available on request);
  • Store and transport insulating gloves in their original packaging (between 10 and 35°C);
  • Do not compress, fold or store near sources of light or heat;
  • Do not expose gloves to oil, grease, turpentine, white spirit, strong acid or any other corrosive product;
  • Do not use gloves if they are wet (clean gloves with soap and water, dry below 65°C).

Insulating gloves - class 00

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Data sheet
Length 36 cm
Colours beige
Protection class Class 00
Max. usage temperature +55°C
Min. usage temperature -40°C
Maximum alternating voltage 500 V
Maximum direct voltage 750 V
Category AZC
Nominal thickness 0.5 mm
Storage temperature 10°C to 35°C
Glove Weight (1 unit) 65 g
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