Suitable for :

Top-of-the-range scale, perfect for direct selling or to sell poultry by weight on local markets. It is also suitable for pre-packaged foodstuffs (retail sale). Allow you to print receipts or self-adhesive labels. Can be connected to another scale or to a PC.

Complies with the 2018 tax reform changes, LNE 33-743 certified product (checkout system).


Legal for trade weight-price scale, fitted with:
- a back-lit LCD display. Simple programming with drop-down menus, directly on this screen.
- an Ethernet connection (TCP/IP) to connect the scale with another scale or with a PC (high speed communication with DSS player software. Up to 10 scales ca be interconnected).
- a metal loading plate
- a front paper exit ticket or label printer (interchangeable rolls). Quick printing (until 100mm/sec.). Thermal receipt paper roll and/or label roll not included (sold separately).
This label/receipt printing scale offers many functionalities: 
- up to 5000 items, 98 direct keys (PLU).
- up to 10 vendors. 
- configurable receipt format (up to 3 formats), up to 8 payment methods, discount applied to an item line or to total, total in €, total can be displayed in the legacy currency, in the national currency and in 2 other currencies.
- configurable label format (up to 30 formats: 20 in-memory formats and 10 customizable formats), traceability, pre-packaging mode, 3 total levels (package, box, pallet), self-service mode, continuous printing (labels copies), EU standards n°1169/2011 - INCO 2 (nutrition facts).
- Sales statistics (day, week, month): by items, method payment, VAT rate, etc.
- Stock manager: movements, sales record, display and printing of stock situation, adjustment after inventory. This information can be transferred to a PC thanks to an Ethernet connection.
- Traceability: up to 2 traceability programs (depending on the version of the scale). Easy to set up and complying with EC directives).
- Macros: 2 macros available
- Fiscal report: to list all receipts issued by the scale during a fiscal period. The fiscal list can be printed or transmitted to a PC (Ethernet connection).
Delivered with the green metrology sticker (1 year for pre-packaging).
Complies with the fiscal law in effect since 1st January 2018. If this receipt printing scale is used as the only checkout system, please inform us when ordering so that we can send you an upgrade kit. You will have to activate the fiscal mode on the scale and to install specific softwares on the PC that will be connected to the scale for data recovery. Please note that these softwares can only be used on PC (not working on Mac) and only with professional versions of Windows.

Label or receipt printing scale

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Data sheet
Dimensions 38 x 47 x 25 cm
Weight 13 kg
Load capacity 15 kg
Colours black
Power supply 230V / 50 Hz
Temperature - 10 / + 40 °C
Accuracy 6/15kg - 2/5 g
Receipt paper roll 60 x 105 x 40 mm
Loading plate 36 x 28 cm
Label roll 58 x 60 x 40 mm
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